Keep The Music Going.
Make a donation.
Did you know $100 covers the cost of strings and supplies for one student for an entire year? Every gift makes a difference in the life of a young musician.
Rather send a check? Please make checks out to Music Haven and mail to:
Music Haven
315 Peck Street, Box A10
New Haven, CT 06513
Music Haven is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Other ways to give.
Donate an Instrument or Music Supplies
Each of our students is provided with an instrument free of charge, and we gladly accept donations of violins, violas, and cellos of all sizes. We are also now accepting pianos and keyboards!
We also accept in-kind donations of: music stands, method books (Suzuki Books & CDs for violin, viola, or cello or Essential Elements Books for violin, viola, or cello), rock stops and shoulder rests, and new violin, viola, or cello strings. Your generous gift not only helps to make music, but also builds community, and provides countless opportunities. If you are interested in making an instrument donation, please fill out the form below.
Please note: In-kind gifts are tax-deductible at their full fair market value.
Become a Volunteer
We understand that volunteering is a tremendous commitment, and we’re grateful for all of our volunteers both past and present.
Whether you’re interested in working with students, tutoring, administrative support, or volunteering at events, there are so many ways to get involved at Music Haven. To start the process, please fill out the form below.
We look forward to working with you!
Matching Gifts
Many corporations have matching gift programs and will match your donation to an accredited charitable organization. It’s an easy way to double or even triple the impact of your personal contribution!
If your employer has a matching program in place, just ask for a copy of your company’s matching gift form and mail it to Music Haven with your contribution.
Music Haven’s EIN is 01-0870395.
More giving opportunities.
Donations of Stock or Securities
There are a number of tax advantages to donating stock or other securities to Music Haven.
Your broker or financial advisor can provide information specific to your situation and intentions, and we will work with them to process the donation.
If you’re interested in donating stock or securities, please contact Milda Torres McClain for more information.
Make a Gift from Your IRA or 401(K)
Did you know that if you’re over 70 ½ years old, you can direct distributions from your IRA directly to Music Haven?
You can also name Music Haven as a beneficiary at any age and designate a dollar amount or percentage of your retirement account.
There are often significant tax benefits to leaving all or part of your retirement plan to charity, and you can work with your financial advisor to discuss the tax advantages for you and your heirs.
Legacy Giving
Legacy gifts keep the music going for future generations.
Estate planning begins with identifying the legacy you want to leave behind, and it can be as simple as providing a bequest in your will or naming Music Haven as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy.
We will gladly work with you, your attorney, and your financial advisor to coordinate a gift from your estate that honors your intentions for the future. Please contact Milda Torres McClain for more information.
What can your donation do?
Covers the full cost of one advanced student for an entire year — one-on-one and group lessons, instruments (including upkeep, strings, and other supplies), participation in our orchestra, Harmony in Action, and in student chamber groups, concert trips, workshops, support in auditioning for selective summer music programs, mentorship from our professional resident musicians, and leadership development opportunities.
Covers the annual cost for one beginner student to participate in our program for one year, inlcuding one-on-one and group lessons, instruments (including upkeep, strings, and other supplies), music theory classes, concert trips, workshops, guest artists, and mentorship from our professional resident musicians and older Music Haven students.
Provides one-on-one lessons for a student for the year — half-hour lessons for our beginners and as much as an hour per week of individual instruction by our Resident Musician teachers for our advanced students.
Covers the cost of a community concert and “instrument petting zoo” by the Haven String Quartet, with the assistance of our High School Fellows—at each free community concert held in library branches and other neighborhood spaces, dozens of kids (and adults!) have the opportunity to not only hear and see classical chamber music up close, but also try a string instrument for the first time with the assistance of our world-class professional musicians and their students.
Covers the cost of one of our Studio Recitals, at which all Music Haven students have the chance to shine in front of their families, friends, neighbors, and the community.
Covers the cost per year for a student in our one-on-one after-school lessons program to participate in our youth chamber orchestra, Harmony In Action, including transportation to concerts, snacks, guest performances and guest speakers, equipment, and teaching and support staff.
Covers the annual cost of a student instrument, including supplies and upkeep.
Covers the cost of strings and supplies for one student for a year.